Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Daily Dispatch

Today I took a photo of my new bass! It is a Deltatone Sunburst and I need a name for it. I like Addie but other people don't, so I you can think of something better comment on my post.

Photography and Article by: Graham R. Birks


  1. YAY GRAHAM! is anybody teaching you? you'll be a rockstar in no time! =)

  2. Nope, well kinda I learn our worship team songs and Ken and Jon help me. But I already knew how to play.

  3. cheez-it or mac n cheese. take your pick.
    im just kidding! Addie is a fantastic name!

  4. that's a crapload of stockings. i made the mistake of letting my friend name my car...geraldo. stick with addie.
